Issues 2025


Amazing work happens in the Lynn Public Schools every day with our students and educators. However, our school facilities are out of date – nearly half of our schools are over 100 years old – and overcrowded – student population is up 21% since 2008. Just 25% of 3- and 4-year-olds are enrolled in pre-K, compared to over 60% statewide. There is regularly a 300+ student waitlist at LVTI and, at the same time, Massachusetts employers continue to have trouble hiring with two job openings for every unemployed worker. Working together, we have an opportunity to ensure every student in Lynn has the opportunities they deserve in a way that supports growth and ultimately benefits our whole community.

Jared’s Record

  • Successfully selected site and obtained funding for new Pickering Middle School, scheduled to open January 2027
  • Opened new early college high school, Frederick Douglass Collegiate Academy, that allows Lynn Public Schools students to graduate with associate degree at no cost to them
  • Opened new Early Education Center at Bennett Street with 16 new pre-K classrooms
  • Planning to open City Arts and Sciences Academy at Fecteau-Leary, providing alternative enrichment curriculum and helping with overcrowding
  • Increased seats at Lynn Tech by 25% with new shops in biotechnology and construction

Jared’s Agenda

  • Open newly constructed Pickering Middle School in 2027
  • Continue to add pre-K seats through Lynn Public Schools and partners towards universal pre-K
  • Begin long-term capital plan to update elementary school buildings


Lynn residents deserve better access to higher paying jobs. Lynn workers are overrepresented in low-wage jobs like service and hospitality and underrepresented in high wages jobs like healthcare and manufacturing. Lynn’s median household income is $74,715, compared to $110,697 in Greater Boston. We’re a hard-working, growing city with strong unions that care about our workers and local economy. With the right support, our residents will be the answer to our region’s workforce needs.

Jared’s Record

  • Number of jobs in Lynn reached pre-COVID highs and then surpassed them
  • Lined up largest private investment in the City’s history, $450 million mixed-used development at the South Harbor site on the Lynnway with strong commitments to worker protections and local hiring
  • Launched several adult job prep programs at Lynn Tech, including welding, autotech and plumbing
  • Conducted Lynn’s first comprehensive planning process, resulting in Vision Lynn, a 20 year master plan for the City’s future that targets commercial growth

Jared’s Agenda

  • Support newly created Lynn Workforce Collaborative in getting more underemployed Lynn residents into good jobs
  • Continue waterfront revitalization to attract positive investment through South Harbor Implementation Plan
  • Ensure successful redevelopment of critical site downtown at MBTA garage
  • Connect Lynn to Greater Boston’s innovation economy, particularly using Lynn’s potential strength in manufacturing given prime industrial sites and workforce


Housing is a basic necessity. Half the city is considered cost-burdened, meaning a family pays more than 30% of their income towards housing, and half of those residents are severely cost-burdened, meaning they pay more than 50% of their income towards housing. Housing costs are hurting our residents and in response, our Administration has been a leader statewide in proactively addressing the housing crisis, which will ultimately help stabilize the community in countless positive ways.

Jared’s Record

  • Created Affordable Housing Trust Fund that has supported the production of hundreds of deeply affordable units
  • Introduced an implemented inclusionary zoning policy that’s continued to support private investment and is already creating affordable units for Lynn residents
  • Supported two large public housing projects, at the Armory for veterans and Hennessy House for very low-income residents, through direct city investment and extensive state advocacy
  • Implemented one of the strongest tenant protection ordinances in the Commonwealth
  • Increased property tax relief programs for senior citizens

Jared’s Agenda

  • Launch new effort to create next Lynn Housing plan, having led the implementation of the previous effort
  • Ensure at least 200 new affordable units become available in the next four years

Peace & Safety

Everyone deserves peace in their community. Overdoses have decreased but are still a major public health concern. Proactive effort and collaboration are required to continue the reduction of violent incidents.

Jared’s Record

  • Installed free, life-saving Narcan on street corners
  • Grew coalition of community groups and public safety working to combat gang violence
  • Significantly increased size of summer youth jobs program
  • Instituted a door-to-door canvassing program for City officials to visit neighborhoods experiencing community violence

Jared’s Agenda

  • Recruit more local candidates for police hiring
  • Continue to address opioid crisis through opioid settlement fund grants disbursed by cross-sector Opioid Working Group

Access & Racial Justice

Our diversity is one of our greatest strengths. Over half of Lynn residents speak a language other than English at home. Racial disparities in education, healthcare, law enforcement, immigration, housing, and the workplace block opportunities for people of color. A City Hall that welcomes everyone improves the community experience for all of us.

Jared’s Record

  • Helped City Hall better reflect community with a majority of new hires being people of color
  • Established team of interpreters at City Hall to help make sure all residents find what they need
  • Launched innovative unarmed response team, the Lynn Calm Team, as an independent, alternative that complements public safety resources in addressing mental health and advancing racial justice
  • Hosted series of family-friendly and history/heritage month events to make City Hall more welcoming and celebrate our cultural diversity

Jared’s Agenda

  • Assess pilot of the city’s new unarmed response team, the Lynn Calm Team, and scale as appropriate
  • Continue momentum in hiring at City Hall that is reflective of community
  • Identify sustainable funding resources for language access program


We need to make up for decades of disinvestment in our nation’s infrastructure. Modern roadways improve traffic flow through technology and design. The right investments will help make sure that growth helps us solve our existing problems without creating new ones.

Jared’s Record

  • Set record for amount of roadway paved in a single year in 2024
  • Opened a senior center for Lynn seniors
  • Overhauled website and launched mobile application to report constituent issues called See Click Fix
  • Upgraded major roadways with state and federal funds, including Lynnfield Street and Blossom Street at the Lynnway

Jared’s Agenda

  • Provide oversight and advocacy for residents in major state transportation projects, for example, the reconstruction of Essex Street and Western Ave (Route 107)
  • Implement $9.5 million grant we obtained from federal government to make our streets safer all over the city

Parks & Recreation

We have unparalleled natural amenities. We want the City to shine physically throughout. Lynn residents deserve high quality recreational opportunities as well as clean streets and parks.

Jared’s Record

  • Added several accessible playgrounds (Barry, Cook St, Kiley, Keaney, Lynn Woods, Gallagher), more turf fields (McManus), and open space on the waterfront (Harbor Park)
  • Added dozens of new barrels all over the city – parks, playgrounds, parking lots and street corners
  • Piloting technology to open King’s Beach summer 2025
  • Finalized conservation of Lynn Woods to preserve it forever

Jared’s Agenda

  • Finish clean-up of King’s Beach
  • Work towards new, cohesive park system along Lynn Harbor, from end of Northern Strand Extension at Nahant Causeway to new park at South Harbor site at mouth of Saugus River


Lynn residents deserve to be protected from pollution in all forms. Climate change has resulted in more severe weather events, increasing the urgency to prepare.

Jared’s Record

  • Received federal grant through National Grid to hire full-time Energy Manager to improve City’s energy efficiency
  • Received federal grant to hire full-time arborist to manage City’s trees
  • Signed conservation restriction to permanently protect Lynn Woods
  • Building geothermal energy system in new Pickering Middle School
  • Increased investment in firefighting vehicles, stations, and equipment, including forest fire response

Jared’s Agenda

  • Complete brownfields clean-ups at several key sites through federal grants we obtained
  • Improve coastal resiliency through shoreline restoration and flooding mitigation efforts


Fiscal strength is essential to the effective provision of City services. The City of Lynn was on the brink of insolvency in 2018. We have made tremendous progress but continue to operate in a challenging fiscal environment, requiring ongoing fiscal discipline.

Jared’s Record

  • Credit worthiness rating upgraded from A to A+ by S&P and A2 to A1 by Moody’s
  • Successfully paid off money borrowed to balance budget under previous administration
  • Efficiently and prudently expended $75 million in federal American Rescue Plan Act funds with extensive public input

Jared’s Agenda

  • Systematize capital planning process with new capital projects team in finance department
  • Work collaboratively to eliminate annual structural deficit through fiscal discipline and responsible revenue growth


Lynn has long been underserved by regional transit. We deserve affordable, reliable transit options that improve access to jobs, school, healthcare, and more.

Jared’s Record

  • Successfully advocated for restored, permanent ferry service
  • Successfully advocated for a temporary platform when Lynn’s commuter rail station was abruptly shut down by the T

Jared’s Agenda

  • Advocate for suitable replacement of Central Square rail station
  • Advocate for electrification of the commuter rail and a truly regional rail system with 15-minute intervals in Lynn and a new, public River Works stop