Sharing this Op-Ed I wrote for the Daily Item – Recover Fully and Fairly by Supporting Lynn Entrepreneurs

Lynn hasn’t just been hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic from a public health perspective. The economic effects have also been severe. Our goal should be to recover fully and fairly. One key strategy is to support local entrepreneurs. More at

I’m Running For Mayor

I’m Running For Mayor I’m excited to announce that I am running for Mayor of Lynn. I’m running to help with the recovery from COVID-19 and to provide leadership for growth that includes all of Lynn. I would like to thank Mayor McGee for his steadfast leadership, particularly during the unprecedented crisis of COVID-19. Going[…]

Op-Ed by Jared on School Building Reform in Commonwealth Magazine

School building formula failing Gateway Cities Update needed and equity concerns must be addressed JARED NICHOLSON Mar 12, 2021 THE STATE’S SYSTEM for financing the construction of new public schools is broken. Nowhere is that more apparent than the city of Lynn. The number of students in Lynn’s schools has increased by 21 percent since 2008. Nearly half[…]

Op-Ed by Jared on Reopening in the Boston Globe

Reopening schools requires better state support by Jared C. Nicholson December 8, 2020 The Baker administration should acknowledge the local experts that we are listening to, or at least help us understand what’s driving the discrepancies among experts. Even as coronavirus cases spike in the state, Governor Baker is calling for schools to be[…]

“Feedback on Frustrations” on COVID-19

I would like to share an Op-Ed published in the Daily Item about the importance of LPS gathering feedback during COVID-19 It’s almost June – normally a moment to reflect on lessons learned this school year and plans for the next. Instead, we’re reflecting on a devastating moment for our country and a moment[…]

Thank You!

I am thrilled to continue for another term! Congratulations to my colleagues, I love working with you. Thank you to all the candidates, your contributions really strengthen the city. Thank you to all our volunteers and supporters, especially my family. My son Henry’s election debut was drastically enriched by doubling as his introduction to his[…]

Vote Tuesday November 5th

The Lynn City Elections are Tuesday November 5th! Check your polling place location here. Polls are open from 7 am to 8 pm. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me at or (617) 780-6747.